An Untiring Love of the Parents

Mom, Dad, How Can I Pay You?

"Children should feel that they are indebted to their parents, who have watched over them in infancy and nursed them in sickness. They should realize that their parents have suffered much anxiety on their account. Especially have conscientious, godly parents felt the deepest interest that their children should take a course. As they have seen faults in their children, how heavy have been their hearts! If the children who caused those hearts to ache could see the effect of their course, they would certainly relent. If they could see their mother’s tears and hear her prayers to God in their behalf, if they could listen to her suppressed and broken sighs, their hearts would feel and they would speedily confess their wrongs and ask to be forgiven."  
Ellen G. White, Adventist Home, page 292.

Children should feel that they are indebted to their parents
This is not a statement that says that parents are asking their children to pay what their parents have done to their children in whatever means. When I just graduated in college way back 2004, I was really stressful how to pay my parents to what they have done to me. How they sent me to college and be graduated, my tuition fees, allowances, boarding house, and all things I needed, they had provided. I lacked nothing. Though I always had to have promissory notes almost every examination period, but my parents still tried to find many ways so that before the semester finished I could pay it.

I lived in an island and still living until now, wherein at that time there were no money express padala(sending)  to send your money just as fast as the speed of light. Therefore, my parents really had to ask somebody to send my money to me through him. It took a day to wait relying upon the schedule of the ship going to the city. If there was a typhoon, the twice-a-week schedule of the ship would be bothered and you had to wait until the typhoon passes by. Sometimes it stopped a day or two and another typhoon followed. Hence,  the schedule is moved to another day. The point is that my parents really did far beyond their capacity to do just to provide my studies. Remember, they just sell eggs in the market. How much is the profit for each egg? That was just one peso.

But that is not just what they did to me, since in infancy, they watched over me and nursed me when I am sick. They probably had many sleepless nights, probably fought with each other because my dad was a tricycle driver which is a very tiresome job, who to take care, my mother was probably so tired the whole day doing some very exhausting household jobs too. My mom really had so much sacrifices for me as I saw how my mom took care of me through my wife when she takes care of our baby and now she is once again pregnant which sometimes finds her hard to do what she wants to do, suffer some emotional pains and physical, too.

How heavy have been their hearts!
The parents’ job doesn’t end up when we become grown-ups. I think it’s really a lifetime. Until now, when we have problems financially and emotionally, they are our resort and asylum during the storms of life.

But how sad, we only take our parents for granted when we are so hardheaded while we were still young, teenage years wherein we make our own world and even now when we are already old, old enough to live on our own and old enough to understand how our parents have been through with an untiring care.

I believe we are indebted to our parents, debt that cannot be paid by any amount of money, even a thank you with hugs and kisses are not enough how they love us and care for us until their last breath. So sad to see, feel and know when children make their parents’ hearts broken in many different ways.

Though we can’t pay them but still we can let them feel that we love them, show to them how happy we are to have parents like them, while it’s not yet too late.

What about you? Have you made your parents happy? If not, it’s not too late yet. Why not start doing it now?

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