Solution to Society's Problem

My country has war on drugs, crimes, corruptions and many lives have been sacrificed. The government has great plans to eradicate problems in the society. Great ideas from many different sectors to minimize, if it is a possible, the known societal maladies. There are thousands of rehabilitation centers have been put up for those who have illegal drug cases, especially drug addicts. Almost everybody is helping the government because it has been a long time we have been longing to have a radical change in our country.

But i think we don't have to focus on how to solve the problem. I don't mean that we just have to leave it as it is but we need to find the root why the problem arose. If we focus on the issue, it only makes us busy finding the solution but the same result because of the problem will arise. As far as my experiences are concerned, I think the root of the problem is how we are brought in the family we belong to. How we as parents give proper upbringing for our children, are they to be a blessing to the society or to be a problem to it?

Listen to what Mrs. White said almost 150 years ago.

Children's First School

"In His wisdom the Lord has decreed that the family shall be the greatest of all educational agencies. It is in the home that the education of the child is to begin. Here is his first school. Here, with his parents as instructors, he is to learn the lessons that are to guide him throughout life - lessons of respect, obedience, reverence, self-control. The educational influences of the home are a decided power for good or for evil. They are in many respects silent and gradual, but if exerted on the right side, they become a far-reaching power for truth and righteousness. If the child is not instructed aright here, Satan will educate him through agencies of his choosing. How important, then, is the school in the home!

Look upon the family circle as a training school, where you are preparing your children for the performance of their duties at home, in society, and in the church."

Home Education First is Important

"It is a sad fact, almost universally admitted and deplored, that the home education and training of the youth of today have been neglected.

There is no more important field of effort than that committed to the founders and guardians of the home. No work entrusted to human beings involves greater or more far-reaching results than does the work of the fathers and mothers.

It is by the youth and children of today that the future of society is to be determined, and what these youth and children shall be depends upon the home. To the lack of right home training may be traced the larger share of the disease and misery and crime that curse humanity. If the home life were pure and true, if the children who went forth from its care were prepared to meet life's responsibilities and dangers, what a change would be seen in the world!"

-Ellen G. White, Adventist Home, p. 182 

This is really a powerful thought to ponder for each family especially we, as parents, as members of the society.

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