Seventh-day Adventists have always
distinguished the moral law, or Ten Commandments, from the ceremonial law, or
the ritual requirements of the Jewish religious system. The moral law is a
transcript in human language of the character and will of God, and of the
principles by which His creatures are to live. Because the moral law comes from
God and expresses His character, and because God’s character is changeless, the
principles this law sets forth are likewise eternal.
Both the OT and
the NT sum up the 10 precepts of the moral law, though often worded in the form
of two great commandments-love to God (the first four), and love to our
fellowman (the last six; Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18; Matt. 22:34–40). In the Sermon
on the Mount, Christ explained some of the principles of the moral law and made
a practical explanation of them to life situations. Originally God implanted
these principles in the very fiber and being of Adam and Eve, together with a
natural inclination to live in harmony with them. The Creator also endowed
humanity with the faculty of free choice; people might choose to acknowledge
the lordship of the Creator by voluntary obedience, or they might choose to
disobey. Obedience would guarantee eternal life; disobedience would incur
condemnation and death. Humanity would find true liberty through obedience
motivated by love. The moral law has never been against humanity; it is our
guarantee of freedom in Christ.
The moral law
requires righteousness and condemns unrighteousness. By His perfect life as a
man, Christ met all the requirements of the law and demonstrated that it is
just and good. By His vicarious death on the cross He satisfied the righteous
demands of the law upon transgressors. By His grace He exchanges His own
perfect righteousness for humankind’s unrighteousness, and enables people to
overcome every sinful tendency and to grow up, point by point, into the
fullness of Christ’s perfect character. All of this is accomplished by faith,
apart from works of law.
In the heart of
the repentant, forgiven sinner, transformed by divine grace, there will be a
sincere desire, motivated by love, to live in harmony with all the divine
requirements-not in order to be saved by any supposed works of merit on his or
her part, but because he or she has already found salvation by faith in the
infinite grace of Christ. “Do we then make void the law through faith? God
forbid: yea, we establish the law” (Rom. 3:31). Forgiveness for past
transgressions of the divine law does not carry with it a plenary indulgence to
keep on transgressing that law. “God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to
sin, live any longer therein?” (Rom. 6:2).
The principles set
forth in the moral law are eternal. As we have seen, the Creator implanted
these principles in the hearts of our first parents when He created them. At
Mount Sinai He set forth these principles in the form of 10 explicit commands,
in language suitable to the condition of humanity, fallen in sin. These
commands He uttered with His own voice and inscribed with His own finger upon
two tables of stone.
Subsequently He
revealed to Moses the ceremonial code, whose types and symbols were designed to
point forward to Christ and to help humanity understand and lay firm hold on
redemption through the infinite sacrifice of Christ. Its rites and sacrifices could
neither actually take away sin nor set the conscience free, but they could lead
to faith in the coming Redeemer, in whom they all met fulfillment and reality.
Without faith in that one great Sacrifice, divinely provided and promised, they
were meaningless (Heb 9:8–15).
The moral law is
spiritual and can be kept only by those whose hearts have been renewed by the
Spirit of God. Never in any age has its Author sought from humanity a mere
outward response to the letter of the law. The moral law exercises its
authority upon the inner person. It reveals sin as a conscious violation of the
known will of God, thereby compelling sinners
to acknowledge themselves as such, and thus to prepare to seek for, and
receive, the mercy of God in Christ. It forbids not only outward acts of
transgression, but every thought and motive that would lead to such acts. It
requires submission of heart as well as life to God, and in so doing exposes
sin at its source and in all its forms, and points the sinner to Christ for forgiveness.
All attempts to earn righteousness by adhering scrupulously to legal
requirements, even those of the moral law, are futile.
Christ’s life and
His teachings were altogether in harmony with the moral law. He vindicated this
law, established it, confirmed it, and honored it by perfect obedience to its
requirements. Those who choose to follow Christ will seek to become like Him.
God’s moral law will be written on their hearts and minds. All who have been
truly converted and saved by grace will find their supreme joy in loving
submission to the divine authority of the moral law, for in acknowledging that
authority they acknowledge the authority of its Author, Jesus Christ.
The proper
function of the moral law is to make a clear-cut distinction between right and
wrong, to make known to humanity the standard of conduct of which God approves,
to condemn all conduct that falls short of that standard, to convict those
guilty of such conduct, and to convince sinners of their need for salvation by
faith in the grace of Christ. But the moral law cannot justify sinners who
violate it, nor can it provide either the desire or the ability to live in
harmony with its precepts, nor does observance of it ingratiate a person with
God. These are improper uses of the moral law and constitute what is known as
legalism, which is the belief and attempt to find salvation and acceptance with
God by one’s own effort to keep the law, in contradistinction to salvation by
grace alone. SDAs insist that there can be no salvation by works of law (see
The gospel brings
a change, but that change is not in the moral law. It is the transformation of
believers by virtue of their new relationship to Christ. The gospel releases
believers from the penalty of the law, but not from their obligation to live in
harmony with its precepts.
In general,
Protestants have affirmed belief in the binding force of the moral law, or Ten
Commandments (see SB, Nos. 970–986), a position SDAs recognize as being in
harmony with the teachings of Scripture. But when SDAs insisted that the fourth
commandment requires observance of the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath
as a logically inevitable corollary, they encountered the vigorous assaults of
certain groups who insisted that such Pauline passages as Col. 2:14–17 indicate
the abolition of all OT law in the Christian Era, including the moral law.
SDAs, in turn, called attention to the sharp distinction between the moral and
the ceremonial law, as to character, function, and binding force in the Christian
Era. For instance, in a book entitled The Law of God (1854) J. H.
Waggoner called attention to the following: “Under the Jewish dispensation were
incorporated two kinds of laws. One was founded on obligations growing out of
the nature of men, and their relations to God and one another, obligations
binding before they were written, and which will continue to be binding upon
all who shall know them, to the end of time. Such are the laws which were
written by the finger of God on the tables of stone, and are called moral
“The other kind,
called ceremonial laws, related to various outward observances which were not
obligatory till they were commanded, and then were binding only on the Jews
till the death of Christ” (pp. 120, 121).
Elsewhere he says
of these two laws: “By comparison, we find that two different laws are spoken
of in the New Testament: one which is not made void through faith in Christ,
which he came not to destroy; and another which he blotted out, and nailed to
his cross” (ibid., p. 73; cites Matt.
5:17, 18 and Col. 2:14–16 to illustrate this distinction).
Concerning these
two laws, J. N. Andrews wrote: “The law within the ark was that which demanded
atonement; the ceremonial law which ordained the Levitical priesthood and the
sacrifices for sin was that which taught men how the atonement could be made”
(The Two Laws, p. 28).
“Surely these two
codes should not be confounded. The one was magnified, made honorable,
established, and is holy, just, spiritual, good, royal; the other was carnal, shadowy,
burdensome; and was abolished, broken down, taken out of the way, nailed to the
cross, changed, and disannulled on account of the weakness and unprofitableness
thereof. Those who rightly divide the Word of truth will never confound these
essentially different codes, nor will they apply to God’s royal law the
language employed respecting the handwriting of ordinances” (ibid., pp.
31, 32).
For a discussion of the Hebrew and Greek terms
translated “law” (tôrah
and nomos) see SDADic. 641,